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    The Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Niakhar, a rural area of Senegal, is located 135 km east of Dakar. This HDSS has been set up in 1962 by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) to face the shortcomings of the civil registration system and provide demographic indicators. Some 65 villages were followed annually in the Niakhar area from 1962 to 1969. The study zone was reduced to eight villages from 1969 to 1983, and from then on the HDSS was extended to include 22 other villages, covering a total of 30 villages for a population estimated at 45,000 in December 2013. Thus 8 villages have been under demographic surveillance for almost 50 years and 30 villages for 30years. Vital events, migrations, marital changes, pregnancies, immunization are routinely recorded (every four months). The database also includes epidemiological, economic and environmental information coming from specific surveys. Data were collected through annual rounds from 1962 to 1987; rounds became weekly from 1987 to 1997; routine visits were conducted every three months between 1997and 2007 and every four months since then. The current objectives are 1) to obtain a long-term assessment of demographic and socio-economic indicators necessary for bio-medical and social sciences research, 2) to keep up epidemiological and environmental monitoring, 3) to provide a research platform for clinical and interdisciplinary research (medical, social and environmental sciences). Research projects during the last 5 years are listed in Table 2. The Niakhar HDSS has institutional affiliation with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, formerly ORSTOM). * Niakhar HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 1984-2016 (Release 2018). Provided by the INDEPTH Network Data Repository. * DOI : 10.7796/INDEPTH.SN013.CMD2016.v1 *

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    In 1985 the population and health observatory was established at Mlomp, in the region of Ziguinchor, in southern Senegal (see map). The objective was to complement the two rural population observatories then existing in the country, Bandafassi, in the south-east, and Niakhar, in the centre-west, with a third observatory in a region - the south-west of the country (Casamance) - whose history, ethnic composition and economic situation were quite different from those of the regions where the first two observatories were located. It was expected that measuring the demographic levels and trends on those three sites would provide better coverage of the demographic and epidemiological diversity of the country. Following a population census in 1984-1985, demographic events and causes of death have been monitored yearly. During the initial census, all women were interviewed concerning the birth and survival of their children. Since 1985, yearly censuses, usually conducted in January-February, have been recording demographic data, including all births, deaths, and migrations. The completeness and accuracy of dates of birth and death are cross-checked against those of registers of the local maternity ward (_95% of all births) and dispensary (all deaths are recorded, including those occurring outside the area), respectively. The study area comprises 11 villages with approximately 8000 inhabitants, mostly Diola. Mlomp is located in the Department of Oussouye, Region of Ziguinchor (Casamance), 500 km south of Dakar. On 1 January 2000 the Mlomp area included a population of 7,591 residents living in 11 villages. The population density was 108 people per square kilometre. The population belongs to the Diola ethnic group, and the religion is predominantly animist, with a large minority of Christians and a few Muslims. Though low, the educational level - in 2000, 55% of women aged 15-49 had been to school (for at least one year) - is definitely higher than at Bandafassi. The population also benefits from much better health infrastructure and programmes. Since 1961, the area under study has been equipped with a private health centre run by French Catholic nurses and, since 1968, a village maternity centre where most women give birth. The vast majority of the children are totally immunized and involved in a growth-monitoring programme (Pison et al.,1993; Pison et al., 2001) * DOI : 10.7796/INDEPTH.SN012.CMD2016.v1 * DOI :

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    Fossil Pollen Database Viewer (FPD) is a public web-based interface for searching and visualizing european fossil pollen data.

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    SITE D’ETUDE – Baie de Marseille 05° 17' 30 E - 43° 14' 30 N (3 milles de la côte) PROGRAMME DE RATTACHEMENT - SNO SOMLIT - Infrastructure de Recherche ILICO RESPONSABLE LOCAL: - Gerald Gregori (MIO) - Patrick Raimbault (MIO), jusqu'en 2023 RESPONSABLE NATIONAL : - Nicolas Savoye (Université Bordeaux) OBJECTIF – Thématique générale Les objectifs spécifiques sont, grâce à l’observation systématique et coordonnée au niveau national : 1. d’homogénéiser l’acquisition d’un corps de paramètres (hydro-climatiques, chimiques et biologiques) communs à tous les sites et rendre disponibles les données à l’ensemble de la communauté, afin de ; 2. de permettre une étude comparée de séries à long terme sur les 3 façades du littoral français (identification de fluctuations communes aux différents sites et réponses du littoral à des forçages climatiques ou anthropiques globaux - distinction entre ces deux sources de variabilité) ; EQUIPEMENTS : Capteurs température, salinité, pression = CTD SBE 19 Capteur fluorescence Capteurs oxygène Transmissiomètre Instruments de laboratoire PARAMÈTRES LABELLISES MESURES : Profils 0 – 55 m température, salinité, oxygène, fluorescence Sur prélèvement à 3 niveaux : oxygène, pH, matières en suspension, nutriments, matière particulaire (CHN), isotope stable 13C/15N, chlorophylle, communautés microbiennes (cytométrie en flux); communautés phytoplanctoniques et zooplanctoniques PARAMÈTRES NON LABELLISES MESURES : Abondance et diversité du phytoplancton et du zooplancton DISPONIBILITÉ DES DONNÉES Site web = Base de données SOMLIT : Base de données PHYTOCOM - RESOMAR PERSONNELS DÉDIÉS : M. Didry (Tech univ) : sorties en mer et traitement échantillons J.M. Feuerstein (Tech univ) : sorties en mer et traitement échantillons F. Garcia (Ing Univ.) : Soutien logistique pour les mesures en mer V. Lagadec (Ing Univ) : analyses chimiques S. Nunige (Ing CNRS) : analyses chimiques – Responsable Qualité pour la station de Marseille G. Grégori (CR CNRS) : référent scientifique personnels retraités aillant participé aux mesures SOMLIT (avant 2024): M. Lafont (Tech univ) : sorties en mer et traitement échantillons N. Garcia (Ing CNRS) : analyses chimiques – Responsable Qualité P. Raimbault (DR CNRS) : analyses isotopiques PARTENAIRES : Réseau SOMLIT – Suivi DCE – RESOMAR (INSU)

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    The Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Niakhar, a rural area of Senegal, is located 135 km east of Dakar. This HDSS has been set up in 1962 by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) to face the shortcomings of the civil registration system and provide demographic indicators. Some 65 villages were followed annually in the Niakhar area from 1962 to 1969. The study zone was reduced to eight villages from 1969 to 1983, and from then on the HDSS was extended to include 22 other villages, covering a total of 30 villages for a population estimated at 45,000 in December 2013. Thus 8 villages have been under demographic surveillance for almost 50 years and 30 villages for 30years. Vital events, migrations, marital changes, pregnancies, immunization are routinely recorded (every four months). The database also includes epidemiological, economic and environmental information coming from specific surveys. Data were collected through annual rounds from 1962 to 1987; rounds became weekly from 1987 to 1997; routine visits were conducted every three months between 1997and 2007 and every four months since then. The current objectives are 1) to obtain a long-term assessment of demographic and socio-economic indicators necessary for bio-medical and social sciences research, 2) to keep up epidemiological and environmental monitoring, 3) to provide a research platform for clinical and interdisciplinary research (medical, social and environmental sciences). Research projects during the last 5 years are listed in Table 2. The Niakhar HDSS has institutional affiliation with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD, formerly ORSTOM). * Niakhar HDSS INDEPTH Core Dataset 1984-2016 (Release 2018). Provided by the INDEPTH Network Data Repository. www.indepth-network.og . * DOI : "10.7796/INDEPTH.SN011.CMD2016.v1" *

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    La ville de Toulon est traversée par le cours d'eau "Le Las" qui trouve sa source dans la retenue de Dardennes et au gouffre du Ragas et se jette en mer 8 km plus loin. Le Las constitue une ressource en eau potable, et génère un risque inondation. L'alimentation du Las est principalement assurée par des sources karstiques. Le suivi physico-chimique de toutes les sources karstiques du Las a pour objectif de mieux connaître la ressource en eau exploitable dans l'aire Toulonnaise. Ce suivi est aussi nécessaire pour appréhender l'origine de l'eau dans le Las en crue. Enfin, ces données sont également importante pour faire le lien avec le fonctionnement écologique du cours d'eau. PARAMETRES MESURES –DONNEES ACQUISES: - Mesures en continu au pas de temps de 15 minutes : Température eau, Conductivité électrique, Pression, - Mesures ponctuelles : Chimie des ions majeurs, isotopes de l'eau, débit, fluorescence sur 3 gammes de longueurs d'ondes PROGRAMME DE RATTACHEMENT – Labellisation – Financement - Projet KarstEAU (2007-2012) : Financement Agence de l'Eau, Conseil Général 83, Région PACA - Projet Dardennes (2013-2016) : Financement Agence de l'Eau, Ville de Toulon, Véolia, Cabinet Cénote PARTENAIRES : - Agence de l'Eau - Ville de Toulon - Association SpéléoH2O (Thierry Lamarque) - IFREMER-IRSN