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    Point vector file representing the sampling sites of atmospheric particles on tree leaves. Sampling performed in 2005. Contact : Y. Noack (CEREGE).

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    The MANGEBAUX study was proposed and supported at the 2013 call for research project of the OHM Bassin minier de Provence organised within the context of the Labex DRIIHM (CNRS/INEE). The study evaluates the atmospheric particle emissions (PM 2.5) notably from the Mangegarri storage site and in particular its content in bauxite ore derivatives which are the majority of the material stored.

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    Point vector file representing the sampling sites of atmospheric particles on tree and ground leaves. Sampling performed in 2003. Contact : Y. Noack (CEREGE).

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    Point vector file representing the sampling sites of atmospheric particles on tree leaves. Sampling performed in 2009. Mineral phases analysis of : boehmite, mullite, gibbsite, bayerite, calcite, dolomite, corundum. Contact : Y. Noack (CEREGE).